

Report to Authorities

Please report the following they are complicit in the abuse and murder of countless animals to gains donations fraudulently:

Marc Ching Linda Ching Barbara Gitlitz Elena Roberto Vince Sena Suki Su Sheena Gao

Write to District Attorney General info@georgegascon.org

Contact FBI

Charity and Disaster Fraud

  • EXPOSED ANIMAL ABUSER Marc Ching & his SCAMMING Charity Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation are USING ANIMAL ABUSE AGAIN FOR DONATION FRAUD.


    EXPOSED ANIMAL TORTURER ABUSER Marc Ching and his SCAMMING Charity Animal Hope Wellness Foundation and Associates are still continuing to ABUSE ANIMALS Film the HORRIFIC ABUSE they have inflicted on the TERRIFIED ANIMALS and then put it out on social media FALSELY CLAIMING they had found them and STAGING FAKE RESCUE ASKING the PUBLIC FOR DONATIONS FRAUDULENTLY. 

    No matter how much time passes the PUBLIC will NOT forget and DEMAND JUSTICE for All the Animals they have Abused and Murdered.#Justice4Jessie #Justice4Animals

    After years of Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation SCAMS including MARC CHING #PETSTAURANT (The Petstaurant) that was also EXPOSED they are trying another tactic to de-fraud the public out of Donations by pretending to be fAKE help line for abused animals /foster service and trying to put on a another spin on their #ScamAnimalHopeandWellnessFoundation Trustees board to support their ANIMAL ABUSE CHARITY SCAMS especially on SOCIAL MEDIA

  • These new trustees Vince Sena and Sheena Gao were previously involved and complicit #VinceSena and #SheenaGao also supporters of Animal Abuser Marc ching & #AHWFSCAMS.

    Like many years ago they are putting out the SAME HORRIFIC ANIMAL ABUSE on their social media posts which they have COMMITTED and STAGING FAKE INTERVENTIONS/ RESCUES FOR DONATIONS. 

  • Like many years ago they are putting out the SAME HORRIFIC ANIMAL ABUSE on their social media posts which they have COMMITTED and STAGING FAKE INTERVENTIONS/ RESCUES FOR DONATIONS. 

    Please continue to REPORT them to the POLICE /AUTHORITIES:

    SIGN and Share the petition. 

    Report any information on ALL their ANIMAL ABUSE, ALL ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES /SCAMS / FRAUD to the police Authorities and please send us a copy. 

    Email justice4jessie@gmail.com

Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation continue to use social media to scam the public Click to see more

Animals Hope and Wellness Foundation

Allegedly finding this poor cat using most horrific images to boost donations and using the exact methods like poor Riley.

Marc Ching

Founder of Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation Animal Abuser and Fraud

Marc Ching board members have been complicit in scamming the public for donations and horrific animal abuse. Elena Roberto Barbara Gitlitz Vince Sena Sheena Gao Suki Su . His wife Linda Ching who is secretary to The petstaurant.

Charge on 7 accounts by Animals Control Marc Ching pleaded no contest to practicing veterinary medicine without a license. 12 months of probation and ordered to pay a $1,000 fine if with in 12 month he faces with a misdemeanour or felony he will face court action.

Justise4Jessie will continue their efforts to gain full Justice for countless dogs and animals that have been murdered, suffered by Ching and all the people who have been scammed

Please continue to sign and share the petition

If you have been Ripped off by Marc Ching or Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation .

Please send info to us the information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence . Also please email : thejustice4jessie@gmail.com

Justice4Jessie was created to honour all the dogs that died at the hands of Marc Ching & his associates and businesses. We will not stop until there is Justice for all the dogs that Marc Ching and Animals Hope and Wellness Foundation abused tortured and murdered. Marc Ching paid to tortured these defenceless dogs and used the horrific footages and staged the fake rescues ,in order to gain donations fraudulently.

These are some of The Dogs that Suffered at the hands of Marc Ching Liberty, Angel, Jessie, Riley, Maggie, Avery, Oscar, Scout, Elon, Happy & Spirit but there are countless more dogs that Marc Ching & Animals Hope & Wellness Foundation have abused for donation fraud.

Jessie’s Torture Murder By Marc Ching

Angel’s Torture and Murder By Marc Ching

Scout’s Torture and Murder by Marc Ching

All information articles and footage on the website is all information sent and currently available online.

Please continue to send any information you may have on Marc Ching illegal activities and scams if you have information of animal that maybe currently in his care.

Also send info to us  and report animals cruelty all info will be passed to the relevant authority the information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.please email : thejustice4jessie@gmail.com 


Liberty, Jessie,Riley, Maggie, Avery, Oscar, Scout, Elon, Happy ,Spirit and many many more.



Jessie she was tortured and murdered and filmed by Marc Ching to aid his campaign to fraudulently get large donations. She was taken from her caged held on by held neck marched to area where she was brutally clubbed and blow torched to her death.

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This is Liberty she is another dog who Marc Ching paid to have tortured and filmed her being mutilated and her legs been cut off without anaesthetic . He then pretended that he had rescued her from the dog meat trade an took her back to US and she was used to fund his campaigns.

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This is a dog who we named Angel, she is another dog who Marc Ching who paid to have tortured and filmed her. A tiny dog bound by 4 grown men and repeatedly beaten to death.

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Avery was a dog that was abused by Marc Ching In the US. He faked the discover along with Animals Hope and Wellness Foundation. Avery was horrifically spray painted and hung with an extension cord tied and left to die.

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Maggie was another dog that was used by Marc Ching and Animals Hope and Wellness Foundation to gain scam donations from Cambodia. He paid and for a dog meat trader to hand Maggie and had his film crew film the torture (Paul cameraman)

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This is Riley he is another dog that was used by Marc Ching and The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation. They lied about him being sodomized to gain fraudulent donations.

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Scout was paid by Marc Ching and filmed to gain fraudulent donations. Marc Ching filmed and staged this hanging.

Scout's Murder Filmed on Marc Ching's Phone

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